The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 by John Trumbull is a 100% hand-painted oil painting reproduction on canvas painted by one of our highly skilled artists. All of our John Trumbull oil painting reproductions are meticulously painted to the highest museum quality by our master artists utilizing the finest quality oil paints on artist grade cotton canvas.
The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 by John Trumbull is guaranteed to be entirely hand-painted on canvas by a master artist that has years of training and experience in capturing every brushstroke detail, color palette, and overall beauty of the original oil painting. Please be assured that we will NEVER sell any John Trumbull painting reproductions that are computer or machine generated, such as canvas prints, posters, or giclees. Our artists start with a blank canvas and paint each and every brushstroke by hand.
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- 100% hand-painted by artists, and a variety of exquisite frame options are provided.
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Original Oil Painting Details
"Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776" is a monumental oil-on-canvas painting by the American artist John Trumbull, depicting the presentation of the draft of the Declaration of Independence to Congress. The painting measures 3.7 m �� 5.5 m (12 ft �� 18 ft) and was commissioned in 1817, purchased in 1819, and placed in the United States Capitol rotunda in 1826. Trumbull painted many of the figures in the picture from life and visited Independence Hall to depict the chamber where the Second Continental Congress met. The artwork is a significant historical depiction of the events surrounding the Declaration of Independence, showcasing Trumbull's meticulous attention to detail and his skill in capturing a pivotal moment in American history.
John Trumbull, born in 1756 in Lebanon, Connecticut, was an American artist of the early independence period, notable for his historical paintings of the American Revolutionary War, of which he was a veteran. He has been called the "Painter of the Revolution." Trumbull studied art with Benjamin West and was influenced by the work of West and John Singleton Copley. He began his painting career in 1777 and went on to create a series of historical paintings and engravings that documented the events of the American Revolution. Trumbull's dedication to portraying historical events from life and his commitment to accuracy have made his works an invaluable record of the founding of the United States. His "Declaration of Independence" painting is a testament to his skill as a historical painter and his contribution to preserving the history of the nation.